If we assume that MT interventions can be prescribed, are we saying that all clients respond to certain musics in the same way? Is that even possible? Do we all really connect to the same music in similar ways? How
Registration is now open for our APRIL 8th 2011 Arts-based Qualitative Research Conference
The Rebecca Center for Music Therapy at Molloy College Presents: The Other Side of the Coin: Artistic and Humanistic Evidence in Relationship-Based Therapy Work A One-day Conference for Creative Arts Therapists, Health Care Professionals, Artists, Musicians, students, and those involved
What informs treatment and clinical interventions? Past or Present?
Abstract: Research on the Effectiveness of Music Therapy & DIR/Floortime with Children with Autism (does this count as evidence? why? why not?) The Effectiveness of Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy within a Developmental, Individual-Differences, Relationship-based (DIR®)/Floortime™ Framework to
Why it is that modern science is so occupied with large statistical studies, and is not at all invested in the qualitative aspects of working with one person and or phenomena at a time? All of the hoopla with evidence-based