IMCAP-ND Developments: Research, Publications, Trainings & Automation
Hi all,
It has been a while since I’ve announced updates pertaining to the Individual Music-Centered Assessment Profile for Neurodevelopmental Disorders (IMCAP-ND) Since its original publication in 2013, the IMCAP-ND has made several advancements in terms of research, trainings and adaptions for clinical practice. Trainings have taken place in South America, Europe, Australia and USA. In addition, the manual has been translated into 3 languages. Furthermore, for the first time since its inception, the IMCAP-ND is being sought out by school districts. I’m very excited to report that the next training will be taking place at the Niles Township District for Special Education #807 in Morton Grove, IL. Finally, IMCAP-ND’s most recent development is the Automated IMCAP-ND report generator. Together with music therapist, Nick Farr, MS., MT-BC, we have crafted a system that will automatically create an IMCAP-ND report/narrative (this will save therapists many hours of report writing). This new tool will be presented at the upcoming AMTA National Conference in Dallas, TX.
IMCAP-ND Psychometrics & Publications
In the area of psychometric research, a new IMCAP-ND publication in the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy entitled “Inter-Rater Reliability on the IMCAP-ND for Autism Spectrum Disorder“ was recently published. Results of the study showed a high degree of inter-rater reliability when tested with a ASD population.
The purposes of the study was to determine the inter-rater reliability of the IMCAP-ND’s Scale I: Musical Emotional Assessment Rating Scale (MEARS), Scale II: Musical Cognitive Perception Scale (MCPS), and Scale III: Musical Responsive Scale (MRS); and to examine the inter-rater reliabilities of the MEARS, MCPS, and MRS subscales scores.
Two raters scored 30 music therapy video-recorded sessions (n = 30) that included individuals diagnosed with ASD using the MEARS, MCPS, and MRS. Findings pertaining to the MEARS were that nearly all of the weighted kappas (98%) can be characterized as “almost perfect.” In addition, all of the weighted kappas (100%) for the subscales of the MCPS as well as the subscales of the MRS can be characterized as “almost perfect,” i.e. the highest level of inter-rater reliability. Thus, the statistical evidence from this study strongly supports the inter-rater reliability of the IMCAP-ND’s MEARS, MCPS, and MRS.
Currently the IMCAP-ND is being tested for predictive, concurrent, and convergent validity with children ASD. The study involves correlating IMCAP-ND with standardized and validated diagnostic and assessment instruments that are used to evaluate children with ASD. Correlations will include comparing Scale I: MEARS with the Autistic Diagnostic Observational Schedule (ADOS), Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R), and Pervassive Disorder Behavior Inventory (PDDBI); Scale II: MCPS with Intelligent Quotient (IQ) scores and the Social Responsive Scale (SRS), PDDBI; and Scale III: MRS with ADOS, SRS, and PDDBI. Stayed tuned as we are currently in the data analysis phase of the study! I want to thank all of my colleagues that have been involved in all phases (recruitment of participants, data collection, etc.) of IMCAP-ND psychometric testing. A special shout to Dr. Gustavo Gattino, Assistant Professor & Researcher, Aalborg University, Denmark, Michael Kelliher, MS., MT-BC, Senior Clinician, Rebecca Center for Music Therapy at Molloy College, Jill Mulholland, MS, LCAT, MT-BC, Clinic Coord. Rebecca Center for Music Therapy at Molloy College, Jesse Asch, MS, MT-BC, Clinician, Monmouth Medical Center and Laura DeGenarro, Psy.D, Clinical Psychologist, Center for ASD & Child Development at Molloy College.
Most recently, the IMCAP-ND is being featured in a new music therapy assessment book, “Music Therapy Assessment: Theory, Research, and Application. “ This international publication includes authors throughout the globe sharing various facets of music therapy assessment. This comprehensive book covers various paradigms and philosophies, research, and a wide range of music therapy assessment tools. I am very grateful to be a part of this publication and would like to thank the editors and authors for all of their hard work in putting this book together. The book will be launched at the upcoming American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) Conference in Dallas, TX.
Finally, there is a new IMCAP-ND Procedures & Protocols Training Manual and Goal Bank Booklet. These manuals are a part of the IMCAP-ND level 1 training materials. The Procedures and Protocols Manual provides music therapists with a step-by-step guide of how to apply music experiences in order to target specific musical behaviors/responses such as, musical attention, musical affect, adaption to play, musical engagement, and musical interrelatedness.
The IMCAP-ND goal bank provides a series of crafted goals pertaining to all IMCAP-ND target areas. These manuals took yearly 2 years of brain storming, reviewing videos, interviewing therapists, and writing.
These documents would not have been possible with out the assistance, guidance and work from my colleagues and interns from The Rebecca Center for Music Therapy. A special thank you to Michael Kelliher (co-author), for his tireless efforts in talking and working things throughout this tedious process!
New Developments: IMCAP-ND Automated Report Writer
The IMCAP-ND’s most recent development is an Automated Report generator. This project has been in progress for the past 2 years and is now in it testing phase. This web-based tool will be multifaceted in terms of generating reports, assist and store weekly session notes, and track goals. Here’s how the report generator will work: 1) therapists fill in all demographic information, 2) following IMCAP-ND assessment, therapist fills in all quantitative data (frequency and support) into the each of the 3 ratings scales and 3) press “create.” The automated system will take all of the quantitative data and generate an individualized report. I would like to thank music therapist, Nick Farr, MS, MT-BC, for his tireless efforts, dedication, commitment, and attention to detail with this project. I also wold like to acknowledge Rebecca Center interns, fieldwork students and staff for all of their work in helping to test this system. Nick and I will be featuring the IMCAP-ND Automated Report Generator at the upcoming AMTA National Conference in Dallas. We will also be show casing it while taking any questions in the exhibit hall at The Rebecca Center table. So come by and visit us!
Thanks for reading!